Renting your Ibiza property
Renting your Ibizan Property
You can rent your property in Ibiza under the Ley de Arrendamientos Urbanos (basically the Tenancy Act) as long as you don’t advertise it on any tourist websites and are not charging VAT. Basically this leaves you free to rent your property privately, so that the rights of both yourself and the tenant are legally protected.
Hoilday Letting
To rent your holiday home in Ibiza out for a couple of months of the year when you aren’t using it is legally allowed, and could make sense economically speaking. However, you will need to consult your lawyer with regard to your rights and to establish which licences you will need to obtain, because Ibiza puts a cap on the amount of tourists lets that it licenses each year.
If you decide to rent out your property to Tourists, you will be required by law to have an Energy Efficiency Certificate.
All Year Round Letting
There is, however, a real housing problem on the island – with too many people letting their properties to tourists during the summer season and then allowing their properties to stand empty for the winter, for example, making short lets of a week or two at premium rates to accommodate the tourist demand during the summer.