Furnishing, Renovation & Maintenance

Reduce your Carbon Footprint – Starting From Your Home

When we think about reducing our cartoon footprint we don’t think that we can make a big difference with small changes at home. It’s common to think that living a sustainable lifestyle is too difficult, or that our efforts might not be worth it, but is important to try to cut our carbon emissions to reduce pollution and prevent climate change. 

Read on to find out the small changes that we can all undertake at home to limit our environmental impact:

1 – Keep an eye on your appliances 

Take into consideration the appliances and gadgets that consume energy even when turned off. These could easily add as much as 10% to your electricity bills. Look for appliances or gadgets which continue to power a digital clock or LED lights (such as standby lights) when not in use. A typical microwave uses more electricity running its inbuilt clock than it does heating food! Instead of just hitting the ‘off’ button next time, unplug them to be on the safe side.

2 – Check your home insulation 

A poorly insulated house requires large quantities of energy to heat. You might want to consider small renovation projects to increase the insulation in your home – these works will not only add significant value to your property but also make it more comfortable and energy-efficient.  

3 – Consider alternative heating systems

Being clever with your heating can drastically reduce your carbon footprint and your energy costs! If you can’t change completely your heating system, look out for an easy way to cut your energy consumption for example by turning down your thermostat a couple of degrees or replacing your current heating option with an innovative energy-efficient unit. But if you want to go completely off the grid, we advise you to invest in renewable energy systems.

4 – Check your lighting bulbs

Another really easy way to cut your carbon footprint is to change lighting bulbs. Opt for LED bulbs which will not only last longer than a normal incandescent light bulb but also consume less energy than typical bulbs.

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