Buying A Property in Ibiza

Choosing an Independent Lawyer

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Why do I need to find a good Independent Property Lawyer in Ibiza?

As in most other European countries, in Ibiza and Spain as a whole, any good independent lawyer should be registered with the ‘Colegio de Abogados’ or the Bar Association, in English.

You will need your lawyer to take you through the legalities and technicalities of the conveyancing process, to guide you through the whole process to ensure that each procedure is completed correctly and that your purchase of the property meets all fiscal and legal requirements.

What does the Lawyer do?

– Creation & Review of Contracts

1. Contrato privado de Compraventa (The Initial Contract)

This is the primary contract that protects your initial deposit and ensures that, if for some reason the sale falls through, you are protected.

2. Escritura de Compraventa

This covers the final part of the sale and takes place in front of a Notary.

Administration & Legal Issues

– Due Diligence

This is just checking that the property has all of the correct paperwork, that there are no legal issues, such as debts attached to the property, and checking that ownership, permits, and Title Deeds all have the correct legal status.

– Taxes

During the buying process, there will inevitably be purchase taxes and fees. Your lawyer is there to ensure that these are paid correctly.

– Documentation

Your lawyer will check the property for any legal issues, such as urban infringements, any necessary licenses to comply with building regulations, and that the property has been correctly registered with the land registry.

– Legal Fees

Generally, the Lawyer’s Fees are around 1% of the total value of the property. These will vary from practice to practice, so ensure that all of your fees are agreed upon beforehand.

How to find a good Independent Lawyer in Ibiza? 

Here at the Ibiza Property Guide, we make it easy to find a good independent Lawyer in Ibiza – check out our directory of professional legal advisors here.

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