Gardening Guide

4 Drought Resistant Garden Plants

Water is a precious resource in Ibiza, You and been continuously pouring it onto a lawn, or plants that need a lot of water this is both wasteful and time-consuming. If you want an abundant, lovely garden despite the Mediterranean heat your best bet is to seek out drought-resistant garden plants. Not only will you save water and energy, but they are also far more likely to survive long-term and create a garden with character and complexity. 


Garden experts say that lavender will “thrive – once established” making it ideal for those of us with a not entirely green thumb. It also has a gorgeous scent and beautiful purple flowers, making it a welcome addition to any garden. The trick to getting it healthy is planting it in well-drained, even rocky soil. It needs deep watering but if the excess can’t drain away the roots will rot. You with have to use, mixed soil and pebbles to create the drainage it needs. Once established lavender loves hot sun and only needs to be watered once every week to 10 days. 


If you spend time in the campo you’ll see agave plants lining Caminos, or dotting people’s yards. These succulents are incredibly tough and will thrive almost anywhere. As with many drought-resistant plants they like well-drained soil, nothing too heavy or soggy. This means you’re better off planting them in a mix of soil and rocks, rather than straight into the Ibiza red clay. They don’t need feeding and, once established, only need water once every other week.

Bay tree

Best known for its leaves which are used as seasoning, bay or bay laurel, is a lovely tree that can grow to serious heights if you let it. Most people plant bay in large pots and prune them regularly to keep them small. However, if you have a big garden and would like an impressive, sweet-scented tree this is a great option. Again, bay likes well-drained soil and prefers intermittent deep watering to regular sprinkles. You can pick the leaves and dry them out to add to soups, stews, or casseroles.

Rock rose

Unlike regular roses, rock roses are native to the Mediterranean. According to GardeningKnowHow they have soft green foliage that varies in shape depending on the species. In late spring and early summer, they produce large, fragrant flowers bloom. Each blossom lasts only a day and maybe pink, yellow, or white, depending on the species. They love the sun and are resistant to salt spray, making them a good choice for seaside gardens. Plant them somewhere with plenty of Sun, and with deep soil so they can spread their roots. They need to be watered regularly during the first growing season but once established don’t need watering.

These four plants offer a mix of colours, textures, shapes, and scents for your drought-resistant garden. Once you see how easy they are to take care of you will be inspired to try out more of the many plants that can add beauty and interest to your Ibiza garden.

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